Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Sensationally Driven, Or God-Driven?

Our culture has developed a taste for the sensational. We often see crowds of Christians flock to the nearest self-proclaimed prophet in search of a God-given formula for success (i.e. "God will bless you if you'll just do this and this") while our weekly prayer meetings remain nearly empty. When people prefer sensationally oriented performances to time spent with God, we know there's a problem in the church. I'm often taken back to the wise words spoken by a former children's pastor at my church, who shared that "God wants us to seek His heart, not just His hand." Amen, and may it be so.


At 1:31 AM, Blogger LawrenceLim said...

Amen. I actually am not too interested by church concerts or anything, but I've to confess that I always wanted to attend the service whenever we've famous preachers and especially prophets to preach to us, and pray that God will use them to speak (or even prophecy to me). Sometimes, we're so people driven until we miss that point that God will only speak to us when we're seeking Him, not man. The same goes with prophecy. Instead of seeking God's answer for us through man, why not seek God Himself?

In Him,

At 11:51 AM, Blogger Brooke said...

Hi Lawrence,

"Sometimes, we're so people driven until we miss that point that God will only speak to us when we're seeking Him, not man. The same goes with prophecy. Instead of seeking God's answer for us through man, why not seek God Himself?"

Amen, brother. You said it better than I did! Thanks for sharing that with us, and God bless.

In Christ,


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